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Jih-Ing Chuang


Jih-Ing Chuang, Professor


Education and Experience:

B.S. National Normal University, 1976-1981

M.S. National Taiwan University, 1981-1983

Ph.D. Kaohsiung Medical University, 1988-1993

Joined Cheng Kung University Faculty, 1985-present

Teaching assistant, 1985-1987

Instructor, 1987-1996

Associate Professor, 1996-2004

Professor, 2004-present

Head of Department of Physiology, 2009-2012

Head of Department of Physiology, 2015-present


Neurodegenerative diseases, Neuroscience, Free Radical biology








82-0719 ext. 5460


82-0754 ext. 5447

Hobbies: gardening, sport, bakery

Research interests

1. Studying the interaction of neurotrophic factors and antioxidant defense system

2. Studying the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases

3. Investigating the impact of temperature on brain functions

4. Investigating the effect of dopaminergic neuron differentiation and neurogenesis on Parkinson’s disease.


Current member

Ph.D student:

Ms.D student: Yue-Cih Jhong (2nd year)Yu-Han Kuo1st Year,


Former member

Ms.D student: Chia-Yun Hsieh (2015), Chiu-Ying Huang (2012), Ching-Ting Shih (2012)…

Publication listPubMed Lik

1.         Chuang JI*, Huang JY, Tsai SJ, Sun HS, Yang SH, Chuang PC, Huang BM, Ching CH. FGF9-induced changes in cellular redox status and HO-1 upregulation are FGFR dependent and proceed through both ERK and AKT to induce CREB and Nrf2 activation. Free Rad Biol Med, 2015, 89:274-286.

2.         Tsou YH, Shih CT, Ching CH, Huang JY, Jen CJ, Yu L, Kuo YM, Wu FS, Chuang JI*. Treadmill exercise activates Nrf2 antioxidant system to protect the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons from MPP+ toxicity. Exp Neurol, 2015, 263:50-62.

3.         Tsai MC, Chen WJ, Tsai MS, Ching CH, and Chuang JI* Melatonin attenuates brain contusion-induced oxidative insult, inactivation of signal transducers and activators of transcription 1, and upregulation of suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 in rats. J Pineal Res, 2011, 51:233-245.

4.         Wu SY, Wang TF, Yu L, Jen CJ, Chuang JI, Wu FS, Wu CW, Kuo YM. Running exercise protects the substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons against inflammation-induced degeneration via the activation of BDNF signaling pathway. Brain Behav Immunity, 2011, 25:135-146.

5.         Huang TY, Lin LS, Cho KC, Chen S, Kuo YM, Yu L, Wu FS, Chuang JI, Chen HI, Jen CJ. Chronic treadmill exercise in rats delicately alters the Purkinje cell structure to improve motor performance and toxin resistance in the cerebellum. J Appl Physiol 113: 889-895, 2012.

6.         Lin TW, Chen SJ, Huang TY, Chang CY, Chuang JI, Wu FS, Kuo YM, Jen CJ. Different types of exercise induce differential effects on neuronal adaptations and memory performance. Neurobiol Learn & Memory, 97:140-147, 2012.

7.         Huang JY, Chuang JI*.  Fibroblast growth factor 9 upregulates heme oxygenase-1 and γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase expression to protect neurons from 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium toxicity. Free Rad Biol Med, 2010, 49:1099-1108.

8.         Huang JY, Hong YT, Chuang JI*. Fibroblast growth factor 9 prevents MPP+-induced death of dopaminergic neurons and is involved in melatonin neuroprotection in vivo and in vitro. J Neurochem, 109:1400-1412, 2009.

9.         Lin CH, Huang JY, Ching CH and Chuang JI*. Melatonin reduces the neuronal loss, down regulation of dopamine transporter, and upregulation of D2 receptor in rotenone-induced parkinsonian rats. J Pineal Res, 44:205-213, 2008.

Laboratory View

Laboratory activities