


  • 徵聘職級:專任助理教授以上,共兩名。
  • 擬聘日期:民國1132月起
  • 應徵資格:
    1. 具國內、外博士學位,並有二年以上博士後研究經歷之年輕有研究潛力者。
    2. 教學研究領域專長為心臟血管生理學、神經生理學。
    3. 具備良好中文和英文授課能力。
  • 應徵資料(皆為電子檔案)
    1. 個人履歷表、自傳
    2. 博士學位畢業證書影本及學經歷證件影本 (外國學歷須經認證)
    3. 學術著作目錄一覽表
    4. 過去教學、研究成果大綱(若無教學經驗者,免附教學成果大綱)
    5. 未來教學、研究計畫書
    6. 推薦信三封
    7. 其他有助於了解申請者背景值、特殊表現、研究發展潛力、傑出研究成果或有助於審查之相關資料
  • 截止日期:民國112731日午夜23:59 (GMT+8)前以電子郵件寄達本所電子信箱em75420@email.ncku.edu.tw為憑,主旨請註明應徵生理所教師、應


  • 聯絡方式:
    1. 申請人以電子郵件寄出申請資料後,請務必以電話確認本所已收件無誤。
    2. 電話:06-23535355422
    3. 傳真:06-2362780
    4. 電子信箱:em75420@email.ncku.edu.tw
    5. 聯絡人:何小姐
  • 逾期或資料不齊者恕不受理。收件後擇優通知面試,恕不退件及函覆。
  • 面試通過並獲學校同意聘任者,須配合本校教師應聘行政程序提供相關資料審查。


Faculty Position Available

The Department of Physiology, College of Medicine at the National Cheng Kung University is opening two tenure-track faculty positions at the assistant, associate or full professor rank. Investigators in fields of cardiovascular and nervous systems are welcome to apply. Responsibilities of the position include active pursuit of research and teaching excellence, service to the department and university. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or/and M.D. degree with more than 2 years’ postdoctoral training experience and must have the ability to teach in English and Chinese.

Applications should be received by July 31, 2023 and should include: cover letter, full curriculum vitae (including publication list), a description of teaching philosophy (1 page), a concise statement of research plans (up to 2 pages), and 3 recommendation letters as well as a photocopy of Ph.D (M.D.) diploma. All application materials should be sent electronically to the following e-mail address: em75420@email.ncku.edu.tw or directly mail to Chair of Recruiting Committee, Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, 1 University Road, Tainan 701, Taiwan, Republic of China. Please visit our website (http://phys-med.ncku.edu.tw/).
