黃阿敏 副教授
黃阿敏(A Ming Huang)副教授 |
學歷: 中興大學 園藝學系 學士 中興大學 植物學研究所 碩士 國防醫學院 生命科學研究所 博士 1992-1997 成大生理學研究所 助理教授 |
專長學科 : 神經科學、行為生理學 |
82-0716 分機:5457 |
實驗室 |
82-0753 分機:5435 |
嗜好: |
研究方向及興趣: |
1. 以心律變異分析(HRV analysis) 檢測瑜珈前後自律神經系統變化差異 2. Brain wave mobile android app腦波檢測之前製作業軟體開發 3. 以淨化呼吸法為媒介,檢測乳癌病人血清中練習前後之DHEA、BRCA1、BRCA2,以及cortisol之變化量 4. 以人體實驗架構下,探討憂鬱症病患在淨化呼吸法練習後,各腦區於fMRI造影下的變化 |
實驗室成員: |
現在成員 碩士班:邱敬家(碩一)、黃威珺(碩一) 過去成員 博士班:謝崇斌 (2015)、王仁伶 (2012)、張文騰 (2004) 碩士班:謝晴閔(2019)、陳煌翔(2019)、楊峯昇(2019)、許庭維(2018)、李盛凱(2017)、謝崇斌(2014)、吳庭瑄 (2013)、林學賦 (2012)、陳縈欣 (2011)、董志偉 (2011)、江美嫻 (2010)、許家豪 (2010)、王昱文 (2009)、陳思怡 (2009)、潘迺凌 (2006)、邱榮敬 (2004)、林雅屏 (2002)、賴嬿羽 (2002)、洪千惠 (2000)、邱威喬 (2000) |
相關著作(PubMed連結) |
【期刊論文】 1. Hsieh C.P., Chang, W.T., Lee, Y.C. Huang, A.M. (2014, Oct). Deficits in cerebellar granule cell development and social interactions in CD47 knockout mice. Developmental neurobiology, doi: 10.1002/dneu.22236. [Epub ahead of print]. (SCI, 7/41, DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY). MOST 99-2320-B-006-021. 2. Wang, J.L., Tong, C.W., Chang, W.T., Huang, A.M. (2013, Oct). Novel genes FAM134C, C3orf10 and ENOX1 are regulated by NRF-1 and differentially regulate neurite outgrowth in neuroblastoma cells and hippocampal neurons. Gene, 529:7-15. (SCI, 99/161Genetics & Heredity). NSC 95-2320-B-006-052-MY3. 3. Chih-Wei Tong, Jen-Ling Wang, Mei-Sian Jiang, Chia-Hao Hsu, Wen-Teng Chang, and A-Min Huang (2013, Feb). Novel genes that mediate nuclear respiratory factor 1-regulated neurite outgrowth in neuroblastoma IMR-32 cells. Gene, 515:62-70. (SCI, 99/161, GENETICS & HEREDITY ). NSC 95-2320-B-006-052-MY3. 4. Pao PC, Huang NK, Liu YW, Yeh SH, Lin ST, Hsieh CP, Huang AM, Huang HS, Tseng JT, Chang WC, and Lee YC (2011, Nov). A novel RING finger protein, Znf179, modulates cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation of P19 embryonal carcinoma cells. Cell Death and Differentiation, 18, 1791–1804. (SCI, 23/290 BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ). 5. Chia-Chang Chuang, Yin-Ching Chuang, Wen-Teng Chang, Chi-Chung Chen, Lien-I Hor, A-Ming Huang, Pui-Ching Choi, Chi-Yun Wang, Po-Chin Tseng, and Chiou-Feng Lin (2010, Oct). Macrophage migration inhibitory factor regulates interleukin-6 production by facilitating nuclear factor-kappa B activation during Vibrio vulnificus infection. BMC Immunology, 11, 50-57. (SCI, 84/139, IMMUNOLOGY).
【研討會論文】 1. Hsieh C.P., Chang, W.T., Lee, Y.C., Huang, A.M. (2014, Sep). Deficits in cerebellar granule cell development and social interactions in CD47 knockout mice. The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Tokyo, Japan.. MOST 99-2320-B-006-021. 2. Hsieh C.P., Chang, W.T., Lee, Y.C., Huang, A.M. (2014, Jul). Deficits in cerebellar granule cell development and social interactions in IAP/CD47 knockout mice.. 9th FENS Forum of Neuroscience. , Milan, Italy. MOST 99-2320-B-006-021. 3. Hsieh C.P., Chang, W.T., Huang, A.M. (2014, Jun). Deficits in cerebellar granule cell development and social interactions in IAP/CD47 knockout mice. Symposium for Chinese Neuroscientists Worldwide, Jiangsu Province, China.. MOST 99-2320-B-006-021. 4. Wu, T. H. and Huang, A. M. (2014, Feb). Fam134c and C3orf10 differentially involved in axonal and dendritic growth of rat hippocampal neurons under different rigidity of matrix . The 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. MOST 103-2320-B-006-024. 5. Hsieh C.P., Chang, W.T., Lee, Y.C., Huang, A.M. (2014, Jan). Deficits in cerebellar granule cell development and social interactions in IAP/CD47 knockout mice. . The 5th NPAS-NCKU Neuroscience Bilateral Meeting, Tainan, Taiwan.. MOST 99-2320-B-006-021. 6. Lin, S.F. and Huang, A.M. (2013, Feb). Smap1 and ccdc75, genes downstream of NRF-1, have differential function in axonal and dendritic growth in rat hippocampal neurons. The 28th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan.. MOST 102-2320-B-006-013. 7. Jen-Ling Wang and A-Min Huang (2012, Jun). The Novel Genes FAM134C and C3orf10 Are Regulated by NRF-1 and Function in Neurite Outgrowth. Hong Kong – Taiwan Physiology Symposium, Hong Kong, China. NSC 95-2320-B-006-052-MY3. 8. Chung-Pin Hsieh, Wen-Teng Chang, and A-Min Huang (2012, Mar). Abnormalities in the development of cerebellar granule cells and behaviors in integrin-associated protein (IAP) deficiency mice. The 4th International Symposium on Ataxia, Taiwan. NSC 95-2320-B-006-052-MY3. 9. Chih-Wei Tong and A-Min Huang (2011, Sep). Bioinformatics studies on genes that mediate the function of NRF-1 in neurite outgrowth.. The 7th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies, Taipei, Taiwan. NSC 95-2320-B-006-052-MY3. 10. Chung-Pin Hsieh, Wen-Teng Chang, and A-Min Huang (2011, Sep). Functional roles of Integrin-associated protein (IAP/CD47) in cerebellar granule cells: termination of proliferation and promotion of differentiation, migration and neurite elongation. The 7th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies, Taipei, Taiwan. NSC 95-2320-B-006-052-MY3. 11. Jen-Ling Wang and A-Min Huang (2011, Sep). Novel Genes Mediate NRF-1 Function in Neuronal Differentiation. The 7th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies, Taipei, Taiwan. NSC 95-2320-B-006-052-MY3. 12. Chia-Hao Hsu and A-Min Huang (2011, Mar). RhoA and SMAP1 Mediate the Function of NRF-1 in Neurite Outgrowth. The 26th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. NSC 95-2320-B-006-052-MY3. 13. Mei-Sian Jiang and A-Min Huang (2011, Mar). Genes that Involve in Different Biological Processes Mediate the Function of Nuclear Respiratory Factor 1 in Neurite Outgrowth. The 26th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. NSC 95-2320-B-006-052-MY3. 14. Jen-Ling Wang, Wen-Teng Chang, and A-Min Huang (2010, Mar). Studies on three novel genes that mediate NRF-1 function in neuronal differentiation. The 25th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. NSC 95-2320-B-006-052-MY3. |