
陳珮君 副教授

陳珮君(Pei-Chun Chen)副教授



長庚大學醫技系 學士,1996-2000

長庚大學 基醫所博士,2000-2006

美國芝加哥大學 博士後研究員,2006-2007

美國威斯康辛大學-麥迪遜分校 博士後研究員,2006-2007

美國奧勒岡健康和科學大學 博士後研究員,2007-2014

成大生理所 助理教授,2014-迄今




2015       “Paper of the Week” by J. Biol. Chem

2014       “Paper of the Week” by J. Biol. Chem

2013       Travel and Best Poster Awards for Postdoctoral fellows from American society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

2011-2012   Post-doctoral Trainee, National Institute of Diabetic and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Center Training Grant T32 DK007680

2010       Tartar Award, Oregon Health and Science University




82-0704 分機:5423


82-0736 分機:5427




我們在研究三個鉀離子通道,分別是ATP sensitive Potassium channel (KATP channel), voltage gated potassium channel 2.1 and calcium regulated potassium channel. KATP channel這個離子通道為例, 此通道膜蛋白是會偵測細胞內ATP ADP濃度來決定通道的開啟或關閉,在胰島beta細胞裡,這個離子通道是否能正常關閉決定胰島素是否能正常釋放,在大腦的神經元細胞中,這個離子通道也參與神經元細胞的興奮與否,任何一個疾病的產生過程絕對不只是單一組織系統發生病變,細胞是否能正常執行新陳代謝的功能不只影響到自生的存亡,也會影響到中樞神經的調控,基於上述,我目前的兩個研究主題是
第一個研究主題是:在下視丘的神經細胞中,從訊號傳遞和細胞生物學的角度研究leptin怎麼調控KATP channel的活性,和一旦失調後如何參與肥胖症及糖尿病的發生。
第二個研究主題:帕金森氏症主要是因為腦中多巴胺神經元的退化,不正常的新陳代謝速度將加速細胞的死亡,利用帕金森氏症動物模式,研究KATP  Kv2.1 channels在大腦基底核神經迴路扮演的角色。


l   Protein trafficking, ion channel regulation and islet cell biology

l   Electrophysiology, cell and molecular biology techniques

l   Rodent experiments: stereotaxic microinjection of 6-OH-DA, subchronic MPTP model, behavioral assessments




碩士班:張寶文(碩三)、李培瑜(碩三)、黃朝煒(碩三)、陳玨芳(碩二)、 何政陽(碩一)邱俊凱(碩一)


碩士: 洪桂明(2014) 、趙如意(2015)、阮瀞萱(2015)、林玠寬(2016)、鄭嘉惠 (2016) 郭宜盈 (2016)、林育琪(2017)、何婉禎(2017)、張樑竹(2018)林怡君(2019)潘思妤(2019)游鎰謙(2019)



1.    L.C. Ho, Y. H. Chen, T.Y. Wu, L.Z. Kao, S.Y. Hung, H.H. Liou, P.C. Chen, P.J. Tsai, H.K, Lin, Y. C. Lee, H.H. Wang, Y.S. Tsai (2023, Nov).  Phosphate burden induces vascular calcification through a NLRP3-caspase 1-mediated pyroptotic pathway. Life Sciences, 332:122123 (PMID: 37742736)

2.     C. T. Lee, W. H. Tsai,  C. C. Chang,  P. C. Chen, C. S. J. Fann, H. K Chang,  S. Y. Liu, M. Z. Wu, P. C. Chiu, ,W. M. Hsu, W. S. Yang, L. P. Lai, W. Y. Tsai, S. B. Yang , P.L.  Chen (2023, Nov). Genotype-phenotype correlation in Taiwanese children with diazoxide-unresponsive congenital hyperinsulinism.  Frontiers in Endocrinology, 14:1283907 (PMID:38033998)

3.   Y.Y. Kuo, H.Y. Tsai, Y.M. Kuo, S.F. Tzeng, P.S. Chen, P. H. Hsu, Y.T. Lin, P.C. Chen* (2023, Sep). Glibenclamide promotes FGF21 secretion in interscapular BAT and attenuates depression-like behaviors in male mice with HFD-induced obesity. Life Sciences, 328:121900 (PMID:37391066)

4.    Sensitive Potassium (KATP) Channels in the Plasma Membrane Using Surface Biotinylation. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ) 1684:29-36.

5.     C.H. Lin, Y.C. Lin, SB Yang, P.C. Chen* (2022, April). Carbamazepine promotes surface expression of mutant Kir6.2-A28V ATP-sensitive potassium channels by modulating Golgi retention and autophagy. Journal of Biological Chemistry,298:101904 (PMID:35398096)

6.    H.Y. Cho, P.C. Chen, T.H. Chuang, M.C. Yu, S.N. Wu (2022, March). Activation of voltage-gated Na+ current by GV-58, a known activator of Cav channels. Biomedicines, 10:721 (PMID:35327523)

7.   H.T. Huang, P.C. Chen, P.S. Chen, W.T. Chiu, Y.M Kuo, S.F. Tzeng*. (2021, October) Inhibitory effects of trifluoperazine on peripheral proinflammatory cytokine expression and hypothalamic microglia activation in obese mice induced by chronic feeding with high-fat-diet. Front Cell Neurosci 15:752771. (PMID:34764855)

8.   Y.Y. Lam, S.F. Tsai, P.C. Chen, Y.M. Kuo, Y.W. Chen (2021, Aug). Piloglitazone rescues high-fat diet-induced depression-like phenotypes and hippocampal astrocytic deficits in mice. Biomed Pharmacother. 140: 111734. (PMID: 34022606)

9.   Y.Y. Kuo, J.K. Lin, Y.T. Lin, J.C. Chen, Y.K. Kuo, P.S. Chen, S.N. Wu, P.C. Chen* (2020, Aug).  Glibenclamide restores dopoaminergic reward circuitry in obese mice through interscapular brown adipose tissue. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 118:104712. PMID:32479969

10.  Y.Y. Kuo, Y.C. Lin, M.J. Calkins, P.C. Chen* (2020, Aug). Endonuclease VIII-like 1 deficiency impairs survival of newly generated hippocampal neurons and memory performance in young-adult male mice. Life Sciences, 254:117755. (PMID 3247792)

11.  S.F. Tsai, H.T. Wu, P.C. Chen, Y.W. Chen, M. Yu, T.F. Wang, S.Y. Tzeng, Y.M. Kuo (2018, Dec). High-fat-die suppresses the astrocytic process arborization and downregulates the glial glutamate transporters in the hippocampus of mice. Brain Research, 1700:66-77 (PMID:30009766)

12.  J.S. Ruan, J.K. Lin, Y.Y. Kuao, Y.W. Chen, P.C. Chen* (2018, Sep). Chronic palmitic acid-induced lipotoxicity correlates with defective trafficking of ATP sensitive potassium channels in pancreatic beta cells. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 59:37-48. (PMID: 29960115)

13.   P.C. Chen, J.S. Ruan, S.N. Wu (2018, Aug 16th). Evidence of Decreased Activity in Intermediate-Conductance Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels During Retinoic Acid-Induced Differentiation in Motor Neuron-Like NSC-34 Cells. Cell Physiology and Biochemistry, 48(6):2374-2388.

14.  S.F. Tsai, H.T. Wu, P.C. Chen, Y.W. Chen, M. Yu, S.F. Tseng, P.H. Wu, P.S. Chen, Y.M. Kuo (2018, Jul). Stress aggravates high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance via a mechanism that involves the amygdala and is associated with changes in neuroplasticity. Neuroendocrinology, 107(2), 147-157 (PMID: 29920496)

15.   R.Y. Chao, C.H. Cheng, S.N. Wu, P.C. Chen* (2018, Feb). Defective trafficking of Kv2.1 channels in MPTP-induced nigrostriatal degeneration. Journal of Neurochemistry, 144 (4): 483-497. (PMID:29265365)

16.   P.C. Kuo, C.J. Yang, Y.C. Lee, P.C. Chen, Y.C. Liu, S.N. Wu (2018, Jan). The comprehensive electrophysiological study of curcuminoids on delayed-rectifier K+ currents in insulin-secreting cells. European Journal Pharmacology, 819:233-241. (PMID 29225191)

17.   J.S Ruan, P.C. Chen* (2018). Monitoring changes in the abundance of endogenously expressed ATP sensitive potassium channels in the plasma membrane using surface biotinylation. Methods Mol Biol, 1684:29-36 (PMID:29058181)

18.  Y. Wu, D.A. Fortin, V.A. Cochrane, P.C. Chen*, S.L. Shyng* (2017, Sep). NMDA receptors mediate leptin signaling and regulate potassium channel trafficking in pancreatic β-cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292 (37):15512-15524. (PMID:28768770)

19.  K.M. Hung, P.C. Chen, H. C. Hsieh, M. J Calkins (2017, Feb). Mitochondrial defects arise from nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors in neurons: Potential contribution to HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1863(2), p406-413. (PMID:27840304)

20.  J-I Chuang, I-L Pan, C-Y Hsieh, C-Y Huang, P.C. Chen, J W Shin (2016, Sep). Melatonin prevents the dynamin-related protein 1-dependent mitochondrial fission and oxidative insult in the cortical neurons after 1-methyl-4- phenylpyridinium treatment. Journal of Pineal Research, 61 (2):230-240. (PMID:27159033)

21.  S.F. Tsai, P.C. Chen, M. J. Calkins, S.Y. Wu and Y. M. Kuo (2016, Mar). Exercise Counteracts Aging-Related Memory Impairment: A Potential Role for the Astrocytic Metabolic Shuttle. Front. Aging Neurosci., 8:57. (PMID: 27047373)

22.         Y. Wu, S.L. Shyng, P.C. Chen* (2015, Dec). Concerted Trafficking Regulation of Kv2.1 and KAT channels by Leptin in Pancreatic β-Cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290 (50):29676-29690.  (PMID:26453299)

23.   M.H. Fu, C.L. Li, H.L. Lin, P.C. Chen, M.J. Calkins, Y.F. Chang, P.H. Cheng, S.H. Yang (2015, Oct). Stem cell transplantation therapy in Parkinson's disease. SpringerPlus, 4:597. (PMID:26543732)

24.   Q. Zhou, P.C. Chen, P.K. Devaraneni, G.M. Martin, E. Olson, S.L. Shyng (2014, Aug). Carbamazepine inhibits ATP-sensitive potassium channel activity by disrupting channel response to MgADP. Channels (Austin), 8(4):376-382. (PMID:24849284)

25.  K.M. Hung, P.C. Chen, H. C. Hsieh, M. J Calkins (2017, Feb). Mitochondrial defects arise from nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors in neurons: Potential contribution to HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1863(2), p406-413. (PMID:27840304)

26.  J-I Chuang, I-L Pan, C-Y Hsieh, C-Y Huang, P.C. Chen, J W Shin (2016, Sep). Melatonin prevents the dynamin-related protein 1-dependent mitochondrial fission and oxidative insult in the cortical neurons after 1-methyl-4- phenylpyridinium treatment. Journal of Pineal Research, 61 (2):230-240. (PMID:27159033)

27.   S.F. Tsai, P.C. Chen, M. J. Calkins, S.Y. Wu and Y. M. Kuo (2016, Mar). Exercise Counteracts Aging-Related Memory Impairment: A Potential Role for the Astrocytic Metabolic Shuttle. Front. Aging Neurosci., 8:57. (PMID: 27047373)

28.         Y. Wu, S.L. Shyng, P.C. Chen* (2015, Dec). Concerted Trafficking Regulation of Kv2.1 and KAT channels by Leptin in Pancreatic β-Cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290 (50):29676-29690.  (PMID:26453299)

29.  M.H. Fu, C.L. Li, H.L. Lin, P.C. Chen, M.J. Calkins, Y.F. Chang, P.H. Cheng, S.H. Yang (2015, Oct). Stem cell transplantation therapy in Parkinson's disease. SpringerPlus, 4:597. (PMID:26543732)

30.  Q. Zhou, P.C. Chen, P.K. Devaraneni, G.M. Martin, E. Olson, S.L. Shyng (2014, Aug). Carbamazepine inhibits ATP-sensitive potassium channel activity by disrupting channel response to MgADP. Channels (Austin), 8(4):376-382. (PMID:24849284)

