Pi-hsueh Shirley Li
Pi-hsueh Shirley Li, Professor |
Education and Experience: B.S. Tunghai University, 1969 M.S. Montana State University, 1975 Ph.D. University of Illinois, 1982 Joined Cheng Kung University faculty, 1983 Retired from Dept. of Physiology, 2011 |
Specialty: Endocrinology ; Reproductive physiology |
Award: |
lifupi@mail.ncku.edu.tw |
Hobbies: 1. Flower arrangement 2. Knitting & Crocheting 3. Racquet ball 4. Reading biographical literature, historical novel, & detective story |
Research interests: |
1. Conduct research on the interaction between hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal and hypothalamo-potuitary-gonadal axis with emphasis on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate pituitary, adrenal, and gonadal functions. 2. Current areas of research include : - use of whole follicle culture system from ovary to study gene regulation in follicular steroidogenesis. - suppressive effect of glucocorticoids on ACTH signal transduction pathways in corticosteroidogenesis. |
People: |
Former member |
Publication list(PubMed Link) |
Laboratory View |
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