Wai-Fung Paul Poon
Wai-Fung Paul Poon, Professor |
Education and Experience: B.S. Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1972 M.S. University of Hong Kong, 1974 Ph.D. Indiana University, 1979 Joined Cheng Kung University faculty, 1994 Retired from Dept. of Physiology, 2015 |
Specialty: Neurphysiology; biomedical signal processing |
Award: Commonwealth Medical Fellowship, UK (1984) China Medical Board Fellowship, HKU (1989) Fogarty International Fellowship, NIH, USA (1990) Ming Yue Visiting Scholarship, CUHK (1997) Distinguished Teacher's Award, Medical College, NCKU (2003) Fulbright Fellowship, USA (2004) |
ppoon@mail.ncku.edu.tw |
Hobbies: Photography, traveling, building friendship, chatting |
Research interests: |
Main interest is to understand how the brain process speech signals, one of the highest nervous activities that distinguishes human from other species. As the brain never remains stagnant but adapts to the ever-changing enviroment, my interest also extends to understand how neural plasticity comes about especially during the neonatal period when the brain starts sampling the world. The rat auditory brainstem is the animal model we use. The techniques in this laboratory involve single cell recordings using micro-electrode and immuno-histochemistry (eg. immediate- early gene expression) Computer is widely used in stimulus generation, response recording as well as data/image analysis.. |
People: |
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